Continuation urgent Plenary Public session of Parliament about the lack of implementation of the various approved programs and projects of the Trust Fund, the upcoming hurricane season, the lack of approval of various programs that are beneficial to the economic reform and growth of the country and the Reconstruction Funds for Sint Maarten

The House of Parliament will sit in a Plenary Public session on August 13, 2020. The Public meeting which was adjourned on July 28, 2020, will be reconvened on Thursday,…

‘Samen Opleiden’ ABC-eilanden van start

Het Ministerie van OCW heeft voor het schooljaar 2020-2021 een subsidie van ruim 380.000 dollar beschikbaar gesteld voor de verbetering van de lerarenopleidingen op de ABC-eilanden. Onder de noemer ‘Samen…

Formashon Huntu’ a kuminsá na islanan ABC

Ministerio di OCW a pone pa e aña  eskolar 2020-2021 un supsidio disponibel di algu mas ku 380.000 dòler pa mehorá formashon di dosente na e islanan ABC. Bou di…

‘Training Together’ ABC Islands takes off

The Ministry of OCW made a subsidy of no less than USD 380,000 available for the school year 2020-2021 for improving teacher training on the ABC Islands. Under the denominator…

Police made two separate arrests for assault and domestic violence case

The Police Force of Sint Maarten (KPSM) made two separate arrests on Tuesday August 12th 2020, in connection with a case of domestic violence and aggravated assault. In an ongoing…

Be vigilant and prepared for extremely active Hurricane Season. Monitor the progress of TD#11

National Disaster Coordinator/Fire Chief Clive Richardson, is reminding the Sint Maarten community not to let their guard down and remain vigilant as we approach the peak period of the 2020…

COVID-19 has now risen to 129 confirmed

As of August 12th, at 16:00, St. Maarten has confirmed twenty-nine new cases of persons who have tested positive for the Corona Virus (COVID-19). The new total of confirmed cases…