School Bus Transportation available for Students during Examination period

The Inspectorate of the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport & Telecommunications (TEATT) informs all parents of students with secondary exams that school bus transportation has been arranged for the transportation of students for the examination period up to an including August 4, 2020.

During the examination period July/August the following routes and schedule will be in effect.

1.     Area 1 – Dutch Quarter Garden of Eden Belvedere Bishop Hill, Sucker garden Road, Pondfill Road, A. Th Illidge Road, Coralita Road, St. Dominic.

2.     Area 2 – Middle Region Road, AT H. Illidge Road, Madame Estate, Zagersgut Road, Bush Road, L.B Scott Road to St. Dominic High School

3.     Area 3 – Point Blanche, Pond fill Road, Little Bay Road, Cay Hill Road and back on A. C Brouwers Road, L. B Scott Road to St. Dominic High School.

4.     Area 4 – Simpson Bay, Cole Bay (Union Road), Cay Hill Road, L.B Scott Road to St. Dominic High.

PICK UP TIME (TO SCHOOL): 7:40 A.M. (area 1,2,3, and 4)

11:30 A.M. (area 1,2,3 and 4). Bus starts its route at this time.


2:40 P.M.  Bus will depart the high school at this time.

If you have any questions, please contact the Inspectorate of TEATT at 542-5641 (during office hours) or email the inspectorate at