Man arrested for trespassing and damaging private property

The personnel of the Detective Department is currently investigating a situation that took place at a location where domestic violence victims are being housed.
 On the night of Monday, July 13th, 2020 the police dispatch center received a call from a staff member of the organization concerning an unknown man who was seen loitering around the premises. 
When the police patrol arrived at the location, they were informed that the male suspect had already fled the scene, but not before damaging several items belonging to the organization. 
It later emerged that the man with the initials E.R.W. who is suspected of ill-treating and threatening his family was the person who had trespassed on the grounds of the organization. The officers were also informed that the suspect may be in possession of a firearm.
After investigating this incident, the personnel of the Detective Department requested and received a warrant to arrest the suspect and to conduct a house search at the residence of the suspect.  
A search of the suspect’s residence was conducted, early Tuesday morning on July 14th, 2020. During this search, a small quantity of illegal narcotics was found in the home but no firearm was located.
The drugs were seized in the interest of further investigation. The suspect was arrested and taken to the police station where he is being held pending further investigation.