St. Maarten Academy PSVE Achieves 89% Pass Rate

School Leaving Exercises Held on July 2, 2020 St. Maarten Academy PSVE hosted its school leaving exercises on Thursday July 2, on the school’s campus, with the theme “SOAR-The World…

Procurement policy RCN: 91 per cent local in first half 2020

In the past half year, Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland procured 91 per cent of its commissions locally. The amount involved in the first half of 2020 was about 15 million dollars.…

Maneho di kompra RCN: 91 porshento lokal den promé mitar di 2020

E promé mitar aña ku a transkurí Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland a kumpra 91 porshento di su pedidonan lokalmente. Ku esaki tabatin un montante di mas òf ménos 15 mion dòler…

Inkoopbeleid RCN: 91 procent lokaal in eerste helft 2020

Het afgelopen halfjaar kocht Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland 91 procent van haar opdrachten lokaal in. Hiermee was in de eerste helft van 2020 een bedrag van ongeveer 15 miljoen dollar gemoeid.…

Direktor i Sekretario General SER den reunion di komishon sentral di Parlamento riba ‘Futuro di Trabou’

E Direktor i Sekretario General di Konseho Sosial Ekonómiko (SER) a ser invitá dor di parlamento pa un reunión di komishon sentral djaweps 9 di yüli próksimo, pa diskutí i…

Director and Secretary General SER Curaçao at central committee meeting of Parliament on the ‘Future of Work’

The Director and Secretary General of the Social Economic Council (SER) of Curaçao has been invited by the Parliament to a central committee meeting on Thursday, July 9, 2020, to…

Directeur en Algemeen Secretaris SER bij centrale commissievergadering van de Staten inzake ‘Toekomst van Werk’

De Directeur en Algemeen Secretaris van de Sociaal-Economische Raad (SER) is door de Staten uitgenodigd voor een centrale commissievergadering op donderdag 9 juli 2020 waarin nader zal worden ingegaan op…

Arrest made in vehicle theft

The police patrols arrested a man with the initials J.E., today July, 7th 2020, on suspicion of theft of a vehicle that was reported stolen in the Ebenezer. The owner of…

Suspect arrested for attempted cellphone theft

The Sint Maarten Police Force Dispatch Center received a call for what was explained to the dispatcher as a stabbing that had taken place just after midnight, Tuesday, in the…

Hurricane Season already sees 5th storm form. Is a stark reminder for residents and business community to be prepared

The fifth named storm – Edouard – of the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season formed over the past weekend south of Newfoundland, Canada, and this is a stark reminder to be…