On Thursday March 19 last the government of Bonaire reached the decision to close all schools and childcare facilities here on Bonaire. This was and is to prevent coronavirus from…
Day: April 6, 2020
Gobièrnu di Reino i Entidat Públiko Boneiru a uni forsa pa organisá akohida di emergensia pa mucha.
Riba djaweps 19 di mart último gobièrnu di Boneiru a tuma e desishon pa sera tur skol i akohida di mucha aki na Boneiru. Esaki tabata i ta pa evitá…
De Rijksoverheid en het Openbaar Lichaam Bonaire hebben de krachten gebundeld om noodopvang voor kinderen te organiseren.
Op donderdag 19 maart jongstleden nam de Bonairiaanse overheid het besluit om alle scholen en kinderopvanglocaties hier op Bonaire te sluiten. Dit was en is om te voorkomen dat het…
Public announcement : Price Change Petroleum Products
Click following link for information TEZVTEVT_56FF0EF240484FB9B615CFE93D0392FD
Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs & SMMC Receives Medical Equipment from the Netherlands for St. Maarten
St. Maarten is now the recipient of the much-needed medical equipment sent this morning on the Military C 17 aircraft, from the Netherlands at approximately 2:00 pm on Sunday, April…
Liquidity support 2019 becoming a reality Current and previous Ministers back initiative to support island recovery with a ten percent salary cut. The Minister of Finance, Ardwell Irion sought and…
Waiver requests
The Sint Maarten Police Force is currently overwhelmed with requests for a curfew waiver. During the state of emergency and the 24 hours’ curfew, the Police is entitled to give…