Emergency Support Function (ESF 9) holds preparatory meetings on disaster response plans

– On Tuesday April 9th, the Support Bureau for Emergency Support Function (ESF 9) Governmental Affairs convened its first preparatory meeting for 2019. This meeting consisted of persons within the…

Prime Minister Romeo Marlin clarifies the Governance Conditions at the Airport Terminal Reconstruction Project

On Wednesday April 10th during the Council of Ministers Press Briefing, Prime Minister Leona Romeo Marlin addressed the “Implementation of Governance Conditions at the Airport Terminal Reconstruction Project” In previous…

TBO doet huiszoekingen

In het onderzoek ‘Draco’ zijn er op dinsdag 9 april en woensdag 10 april 2019 onder leiding van de Rechter-Commissaris door het Team Bestrijding Ondermijning (TBO) twee huiszoekingen gedaan te…

TBO conducts searches

In the ‘Draco’ investigation, two house searches were conducted in Sint Maarten by the Anti-corruption Taskforce (TBO) on Tuesday, April 9 and Wednesday, April 10, 2019 under supervision of the…


The Student Support Services Division (SSSD) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport is organizing an interactive and informative workshop entitled, “We can work it out: How to…

“Looking Beyond: Helping Your Child with Career Choices” workshop

The Student Support Services Division (SSSD) is hosting a free workshop for parents of secondary students entitled “Looking Beyond: Helping your Child with Career Choices.” Parents of secondary students, especially…

Meeting SER and Prime Minister on Migration Symposium 9 – 10 / MAY / 2019

On April 2nd, a meeting on the forthcoming Symposium on Migration was held between the Prime Minister of Curacao, the Hon. Eugène Rhuggenaath, and a technical delegation of the Social…