Minister De Weever calls on parents/guardians to be informed about school violence and bullying preventive measures

Nearly one-in-three boys and girls have been bullied at least once at school over the last month, and a similar proportion have been affected by physical violence, according to a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) report, “Behind the numbers: ending school violence and bullying.”
Minister of Justice Cornelius de Weever said on Monday that bullying continues to abound in schools globally.

The report further states that physical bullying is the biggest problem in most regions, but in North America and Europe, psychological bullying is the most common, followed by sexually-related bullying. Online and smartphone bullying is on the rise.

“Bullying can significantly effect a child’s mental health, quality of life at home, and academic achievement in the classroom. A child that is bullied in school are more likely to be bullied out of school, either on their way to or from school or through cyberbullying.

“I call on parents and guardians to pay attention as a child being bullied while growing up can have a lasting effect even transitioning into adulthood.

“Everybody has a role to play. The school system has to ensure a safe and positive school/classroom environment for the pupil to study, and therefore must have strategies in place to prevent bullying occurring.

“Parents and guardians need to be involved with the school to ensure that they are clear that the school does not tolerate bullying and are aware of the procedures to follow if they believe that their child is being bullied,” Minister of Justice Cornelius de Weever said on Tuesday.

“Physical bullying is more common among boys, while psychological bullying is more prevalent among girls,” and Minister De Weever believes that the trend is also changing amongst boys and girls.

Meanwhile, online and mobile phone bullying is on the rise

“Children perceived as different in any way from the norm, are the most likely to be bullied, with physical appearance being the most common cause followed by race, nationality or skin colour.

“Frequently bullied children are nearly three times more likely to feel shunned and more than twice as likely to miss school. Their educational-outcomes decline, and they are more likely to leave after finishing secondary school,” the report states.