Deadline to qualify for funding fast approaching The annual community service event, SXM DOET, presented by Be The Change Foundation, will take place on March 15 & 16, 2019. While…

Johnson meets regional Ambassadors in Holland

THE HAGUE—St. Maarten’s tourism focus continues to be on the rebranding of the destination and creating awareness of the fact that the island is open to welcome back visitors. That…

Minister De Weever calls on Motorists & Pedestrians to Adhere to Road Safety

Minister of Justice Cornelius de Weever is offering condolences to the bereaved family and friends of the driver who lost his life in the early morning hours of Saturday, January…

Report Compliance Audit: 2016 Financial Statements of the Government of St. Maarten

On January 14th, 2018, the General Audit Chamber presented its report to Parliament regarding the Compliance Audit of the 2016 Financial Statements of the Government of Sint Maarten. We review…

Vice-president of the Council of State, mr. Th.C. de Graaf, visits Bonaire, Saba and Statia

The vice-president of the Council of State, Mr. Th.C. de Graaf, who was appointed in November last year, will bring an introductory visit to Bonaire on Friday 18th and Saturday…

Vice-president van de Raad van State, mr. Th.C. de Graaf, bezoekt Bonaire, Saba en Sint Eustatius

De in november vorig jaar aangetreden nieuwe vice-president van de Raad van State, mr. Th.C. de Graaf, brengt vrijdag 18 en zaterdag 19 januari 2019 een kennismakingsbezoek aan Bonaire. De…

Visepresidente di Konseho di Estado, mr. Th.C. de Graaf, ta bishitá Boneiru, Saba i Sint Eustatius

Visepresidente di Konseho di Estado mr. Th.C. de Graaf, ku a drenta den funshon na luna di novèmber aña pasá, ta hasi un bishita di familiarisashon na Boneiru riba djabièrnè…

Prime Minister Rutte and Secretary of State Knops to Bonaire, Curaçao and Aruba

Prime Minister Rutte and State Secretary Knops (Interior Affairs and Kingdom Relations) will visit Bonaire, Curaçao and Aruba on Sunday 20th to Tuesday 22nd of January. The visit is all…

Minister-president Rutte en Staatssecretaris Knops naar Bonaire, Curaçao en Aruba

Minister-president Rutte en Staatssecretaris Knops (Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties) bezoeken zondag 20 tot en met dinsdag 22 januari Bonaire, Curaçao en Aruba. Het bezoek staat in het teken van economische…

Minister Presidènt Rutte i Sekretario di Estado Knops na Boneiru, Kòrsou i Aruba

Minister Presidènt Rutte i Sekretario di Estado Knops (Asuntonan Interno i Relashon di Reino) lo bishitá Boneiru, Kòrsou i Aruba riba djadumingu 20 te ku djamars 22 di yanüari. E…