Port St. Maarten Management attended the Caribbean Shipping Association (CSA) 48th Annual General Meeting Conference & Exhibition (AGM). The CSA is considered the voice of the Caribbean shipping industry. The…
Day: October 17, 2018
Minister Johnson congratulates Levenstone and Gibs
The Coast Guard Substation in Sint Maarten will have a new head as of December 1, namely Jocelyn Roberto Levenstone. Levenstone worked with the Coast Guard in the past and…
Minister Johnson endorses Nature Foundation call to use Coral Reef Safe Sunscreen
Sunscreens used to protect yourself when sunbathing, that contain UV-filter oxybenzone, are bad for the destination’s coral, according to information released by the St. Maarten Nature Foundation. The Nature Foundation…
BIP St. Maarten presents 2017 financials to Minister of TEATT
Despite some setbacks due to the devastation caused by hurricane Irma in 2017, the Bureau of Intellectual Property St. Maarten has completed a third year of operation. On October 16th,…
The current situation at the Philipsburg Jubilee Library
In light of the developments and media reports during the last months, the Board of the Philipsburg Jubilee Library (PJL) would hereby like to inform the general public as follows.…
Subida di preis ta mas haltu na Boneiru i Saba ku na Sint Eustatius
Den e di tres kuartal di 2018 e preisnan pa konsumidó na Boneiru tabata 3,5 porshento mas haltu ku un aña anterior. Na Sint Eustatius i Saba tambe e preisnan…
Prijsstijging Bonaire en Saba groter dan Sint-Eustatius
In het derde kwartaal van 2018 lagen de consumentenprijzen op Bonaire 3,5 procent hogerdan een jaar eerder. Ook op Sint-Eustatius en Saba zijn de prijzen op jaarbasis gestegen; respectievelijk 1,1…
2018 Price rise on Bonaire and Saba higher than on Statia
In Q3 2018, consumer prices on Bonaire were 3.5 percent higher than one year previously. Prices also rose on St Eustatius and Saba, by 1.1 and by 4.4 percent year-on-year…