Work Opportunities to be presented at Stakeholder Vector Program Meeting on Tuesday

During the Tuesday evening information exchange session regarding the prevention of mosquito borne diseases, work opportunities with the vector program will also be shared.

Interested persons, business owners, community councils/leaders, institutions and organizations, are reminded to mark their calendar to attend the “Community Stakeholders Meeting for Health, Recovery & Development,” on February 20 about mosquito borne diseases such as Zika, Chikungunya and Dengue.

The community stakeholders meeting will take place in the Conference Room at the Government Administration Building from 7.00PM to 8.30PM.

The opportunity is being provided for community stakeholders to share their views regarding the recovery and development of Sint Maarten. The meeting is also relevant for healthcare providers, agriculturists/farmers, contractors, travel agencies, tourism and hospitality sector businesses, the media, garbage contractors/collectors, pest exterminators, and tire repair shops and garages.

This first information meeting seeks to get feedback from citizens, businesses, industry professionals, organizations, community councils, and officials on how best to provide immediate critical support for vector programs.

The objective is to work to reduce current and future public health threats in local communities; maximizing positive citizen behavior and participation; supporting underserved communities; and providing collaborative and independent support.

The stakeholders meeting is a collaborative effort of the Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a department within the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (Ministry VSA), the Netherlands National Institute for Public Health (RIVM) from the Dutch Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sport, and VectorStars.

Persons, businesses and organizations can also provide written feedback and suggestions via email: by March 15, 2018. Feedback may be submitted also in hard copy to the offices of CPS at the W.G. Buncamper Road #33, Vineyard Building Office Park.

For additional information, you can call: 542-1122, 542-1222, 542-1322 or 542-1570.