“I am so happy to see this program finally become operational. It has been heart breaking to have people come to my office looking for assistance to make their homes habitable and not have a mechanism in place to help our elderly in desperate need of assistance. With this program, we have allocated some limited resources to help elderly and disabled that need some minor repairs to their homes to make their homes decent and live-able.
I would like to commend the Department of Community Development, Family & Humanitarian Affairs (CFDHA) for making this initiative possible. The idea had been circulating for some time and with the commitment of the Department of CDFHA it has been made possible. This is just one of the many project that the Ministry of VSA has dedicated resources for our seniors”, Minister Lee.
In lieu hereof, the Ministry of VSA is proud to announce the start of its “Home Repair Program for the Elderly & Disabled” persons on Friday March 31st 2017. The program is being managed by the department of Community Development, Family & Humanitarian Affairs and offers support and assistance to seniors and disabled persons that are in a financially disadvantage situation, and cannot afford to make basic repairs and adaptations to their homes in order to live a more dignified life.
In addition, the program aims to eliminate safety hazards, enhance security and improve accessibility and basic livability within the home of the targeted group, offering seniors and persons with disabilities a sense of peace of mind.
The program is partnering with established contractors, major hardware companies, vocational training schools and entities, NGOs and GOs that provide social services to the seniors and disabled population on a day to day basis.
Participants must meet the set criteria of the program, and all beneficiaries must register and go through the screening process in order to qualify.
Interested persons are encouraged to register at the Help Desk for the Elderly & Disabled in Hope Estate at 542 2804 or any of the other Community Help Desks in St. Peters, Cole Bay and Dutch Quarter.
For further information you can always contact the Department of Community Development Family & Humanitarian Affairs Department at 542 1122 or 542 9925.