The Cargo division of Port St. Maarten is one of four pillars that have seen considerable infrastructural developments over the years which also include human resources. Port St. Maarten has hired within the past five years 10 young professionals at different levels and departments.
In order to continue to build upon Port St. Maarten’s cargo operation of excellence, the port recently hired Keevan Gipson who now works at the Terminal and Cargo Department as an Operation Analyst. Eugenio Jones has been hired and works at the Crane Department as a Crane Operator Trainee.
Gipson studied at Florida State University where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Applied Mathematics with a minor in Statistics. Gipson analyzes and reports on relevant port activities utilizing data for better insight, decision-making, and creating an actionable intelligence platform.
Jones graduated from St. Maarten Academy PSVE and has experience in heavy equipment operations.
“St. Maarten can deliver professionals who can operate at the international level. We continue to invest in our local human resources because this is key to the success of port operations. St. Maarten possesses a pool of local talent who gets the job done,” Port St. Maarten Management points out reiterated by Port St. Maarten Cargo and Terminal Operations Manager Roger Lawrence.
“To add we must continue to ensure that our operational excellence platform is always at the forefront. We must persist in looking at current trends within the market and ensuring that we continue to stay abreast of all changing dynamics within this industry.
“Port St, Maarten Crane operations rely on local expertise to ensure container traffic and other cargo related activities are carried out in an efficient manner which ensures the ports esteem customers that it’s a reliable and professional service provider.
“Port St. Maarten is a keen believer in education and has always been present for the Study and Career Fairs over the years in order to inform students about the dynamic operations at the facility and about the opportunities they may have once they have the right qualification and there is an opening. The Port St. Maarten family is growing and we welcome our two new young professionals,” Port St. Maarten Management said on Sunday.
Port St. Maarten’s transshipment cargo operations have grown to double digits when one looks at the 2015 and 2016 figures of 12 per cent; provisioning numbers have also grown over the same period with a 32.5 per cent increase; overall total throughput has increased by three per cent over the same period. Growth for 2017 is expected to continue on a steady pace.
Infrastructure improvements and modifications at the David Cargo Quay has allowed the port to cater to its customers’ needs over the years making the cargo division a regional sub-hub for container transshipment, serving a wide range of international carriers and an increasing regional domestic market.

The cargo sector is a vital part of the nation’s economy, not only in terms of generating revenue, but also because most of the food and consumer goods needed by the country are imported via the port, and therefore the operation has to be well managed.
The facilities include the Captain David Cargo Quay which is 540 meters long with a depth alongside of 10.5 meters, having been extended from 270 meters; container storage areas were also expanded to enhance future growth activities.
The Cargo division also has two Gottwald Mobile Cranes, the largest in the North Eastern Caribbean. The port has also invested in a Global Logistics System (GLS) software platform that streamlines crane operations making it more efficient and effective to the benefit of customers.
The introduction of GLS software allowed the whole port to be fully automated. Containers are tracked and monitored using mobile tracking devices, and all documentation and invoicing is carried out in real-time. Containers and trucks are scanned when entering and leaving the port to create a full picture of port operations at all times.
At the southern end of the port, a breakwater protects the container yard from the worst storms and hurricanes that occasionally hit the island. There are two ro-ro berths, at the southern and northern ends, as well as an inter-island pier serving the local region, alongside a 444 square meter warehouse.
A wide range of equipment is available at the quay including reach stackers, top lifters, yard mules, chassis, trucks, fork-lifts and other equipment.