The Rotary Club and the Volunteer Optometric Service to Humanity (VOSH) will resume with eye examinations tomorrow May 11th at 9am at the white & yellow cross. They will be…
Day: May 11, 2016
Dutch & French side Hospital cooperation steadily increasing
The recent fire at the French side hospital which caused four wards to be evacuated , is a validation that the French and Dutch side hospitals need to work together,…
Public Tender District Cleaning 2016-2018 Meeting set for May 12
Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), hereby announces that the tender date for the public tender “District Cleaning 2016 – 2018” meeting has been set…
Road closure on Saturday in Dutch Quarter
Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), announces that there will be a road closure on May 14 in Dutch Quarter. The closure will take…
Registration for Post-Hurricane Debris Clean-up
Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), will be accepting applications from eligible entities that are interested in registering as a hurricane aftermath clean-up company. …
Dutch Quarter residents invited to Town Hall Meeting for May 12 about Sewerage Project
The Government of St. Maarten will be hosting a public town hall meeting for Dutch Quarter residents on Thursday May 12, in connection with the Dutch Quarter sewerage project, which…
Ruthlyn is all smiles after winning TelCell “I Am Carnival” motor car prize
Motor car prize-winner, Ruthlyn Rimon was all smiles after hearing she was the lucky winner of a brand new Mazda Sedan2 motor car. But she saved a bigger smile for…
FCCA briefs SECA about Cruise Trends and Developments. Destination Renewal and Reinventing Needed
On Monday afternoon at the Cruise Terminal Building at Port St. Maarten, President of the Florida Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) Michele Paige, and Cruise Line Executives briefed business officials who…
Miss Mature Queen 2016 Visits Seniors
Miss TelCell Mature Queen 2016; Norrisa Anatol commenced her royal duties by treating the moms at the White & Yellow Cross Foundation Sint Martin’s Home for Mother’s Day on May…