Consultation on new rules for Electricity and Water Supply

The public consultation of secondary legislation based on the (draft) BES Electricity and Drinking Water Law (lagere regelgeving) has started 27 January. Topics include drinking water quality, the reimbursement for excess durable electricity that users feed into the grid (terugleververgoeding), and consumer protection including the compensation for disruptions as well as rules on disconnection policy.


These more concrete draft rules are part of the general draft Law on Electricity and Drinking Water, which is now under discussion in the Dutch Parliament. The draft Law stipulates that the Minister will present more concrete draft rules as a next step. The draft rules are now available in Dutch and English on .

Via this website reactions can be sent until March 10, 2015.

For information: RCN,  tel.599 715 8342 (electricity) en 715 8327 (water).