On Friday morning November 28th at approximately 10.30 a.m. police patrols, Detectives and Forensic Department were sent to investigate a possible suicide at an apartment building at Tamarinde Hill in Oyster Pond. On the scene the investigating officers spoke to witnesses and the landlord of the building. The witnesses stated that M.M. from the United States who lived at that apartment and work in Time Share Sales did not report at Oyster Bay to work for a number days. The last day he was seen was on Saturday November 22nd. M.M. had an accident on the job and was taking medication for that. Several attempts were made to contact him by phone but he did not answer. Today witnesses decided to go to his home. They notified police and there , at his home, is when and where they located the already decomposing body of M.M. Doctor Mercuur came to the scene and stated that the victim had possibly committed suicide. The Forensic Department was on the scene collecting evidence. The case is under investigation. The body of the victim was taken to the morgue.