On Tuesday July 22nd at approximately 09.30 p.m., during a routine patrol on Rhine Road a police patrol saw a gold colored Hyundai Accent with license plate M-5768 driving in the direction of Mullet bay. The officers noticed that there were three occupants in the vehicle. The driver of the vehicle and the passenger next to driver became quite suspicious when the saw the patrol by pulling down the sunshades in the vehicle when the patrol drove by, in order to conceal their identity. Immediately the patrol followed the vehicle in order the control the vehicle and the occupants. After the vehicle was stopped the officers smelled the strong scent of marihuana coming from inside the car. The three occupants and the vehicle were searched, however no drugs were found on the suspects. During the search of the vehicle a 9 mm pistol was found in a handbag under the drivers’ seat. In connection with this all three suspects with initials B.A.W. (32), S.A.E (20) and V.H. (20) were arrested on the spot for illegal fire-arm possession. The suspects were all taken to the Philipsburg Police Station and handed over to the Detective Department who will continue this investigation. At the police station the investigating officers received information that a warrant for the arrest of the suspect S.A.E. was issued in connection with the ongoing daylight armed robbery of “Dazzeling Gem” on Front Street.