The Asha Stevens Hillside Christian School Parents Committee under the presidency of Tatiana Arrindell, will organize a silent march against all types of child abuse on Saturday, May 24th. The march is in solidarity with all the children of the country.
The silent march is being organized after one of the school’s students was viciously attacked by a person while on her way to school last week Thursday. The nine-year old suffered serious injuries inflicted on her by a man from the St. Peters/South Reward area. “We will no longer tolerate any more acts of violence against our children,” President Tatiana Arrindell said on Tuesday.
The silent march is to start at 5.00pm and will travel the following route: Asha Stevens Hillside Christian School (Cay Hill), Welgelegen Road, AJC Brouwers Road, Bush Road, Prince Bernhard Bridge, Pondfill, and ending in front of the Government Administration Building.
In front of the Government Building, there will be a number of speeches from various youth groups, and a song by the Hillside Christian School Choir.
Other schools have been invited to participate in the May 24 event. Everybody participating has been asked to wear a white T-shirt and walk with a flashlight.
Persons requiring additional information can call Tatiana Arrindell at 520-2851.