The National Development Program (NDP) facilitated under the auspices of the project, "Building a Nation: Sint Maarten National Development Plan & Institutional Strengthening," continued building the foundation for dialogues by training a team of local Dialogue Champions on democratic dialogue through a virtual course and face to face courses.
The trainings are part of the strategy to build the capacity of local people and provide skills to develop the country’s NDP in a participatory process.
The capacity building trainings were organized by the project in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and the Regional Centre of the UNDP for Latin America and the Caribbean (RCLAC).
Dialogue Champions are people who have enthusiastically accepted the challenge of working collectively and together in planning, convening, organizing and writing the country’s NDP.
The Dialogue Champions come from different professional backgrounds in civil society, government departments and private sector organizations.
The NDP is being developed through community engagement/people participation. The NDP is a people’s project that is putting institutions in place that not only enable everyone in St. Maarten to come together to build a national development strategy but to have an on-going participation in its implementation.
The NDP is being led by the country’s Department of Interior and Kingdom Relations (BAK) of the Ministry of General Affairs.
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