USM begins evaluation process for the Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program

The University of the Dutch Caribbean (UDC) in cooperation with the University of St. Martin (USM) is offering an Engineering program at USM. The program was composed by Saxion University of Applied Science in the Netherlands. Mr. Ruud Thuis, Director of UDC and Mr. Jan Bollen, Representative of Saixon University will both be on island to conduct the intake and evaluation process for prospective students of the Bachelor in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Degree program scheduled to commence January 2014.


Persons who signed up for this program are asked to attend a meeting scheduled for Tuesday November 5, 2013 at 6:00pm in the USM conference room. They are asked to bring along their diplomas, transcripts and other credentials so that they can be evaluated. Persons who have not signed up as yet are free to attend along with their documents. To qualify for admittance you must be in possession of an MBO or SBO level diploma or equivalent and be employed in a technical enterprise. Exemptions will apply depending on technical experience.