Minister De Weever’s remarks at SIFMA


Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor Cornelius de Weever made the opening remarks at the SIFMA conference recently. During this time, Minister De Weever was able to expound on the many improvements that have been made in the area of daycare facilities for children.

Minister De Weever stated during his opening remarks that thanks to Angela Dekker of SIFMA and Mayra Martina former Daycare Inspector who have both worked closely together to pave the way for healthier environments at daycare facilities. "No longer do we have to fear for dangerous playgrounds or the sharing of bathrooms with a bar in the alley," said Minister De Weever.

In addition, Minister De Weever stated that the daycare ordinance is now carried out by the Inspectorate of Health, Denise Cornet. Minister remembered the days when he was chief operating officer at the Inspectorate of Health and he handled the complaints together with Ms. Cornet. "Together we were able to change the culture of daycare facilities here on the island, but I must make clear that we are not here to take bread out of nobody’s mouth when a daycare center is closed down. The main focus is the child, and we must strive for their improvement," said Minister De Weever.

Minister De Weever stated that due to the many strides made over the years regarding daycare facilities our children will develop earlier in a better and safer daycare, which will in turn produce better citizens willing to work towards St. Maarten’s future together.