Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake recently met with the Weymouth family and other representatives concerning Link 6 and other Weymouth Hill road infrastructure.
The meeting was about defining the Mildrum road for Link 6 and the repairing of the side roads for the residents of Weymouth Hill. Government Minister Lake pointed out is busy preparing the design work for Link 6 and the side roads for Weymouth Hill.
“It is our intention to sit down with Mr. & Mrs Weymouth to present them the total amount that would be needed to contribute to the side roads for the residents of Weymouth Hill. We have to work together in order to resolve small challenges and that is part of my back to basics approach,” Minister Lake said on Wednesday.
Minister Lake would like to come to a win-win situation between Mr. Weymouth and the residents who had to endure all the suffering over the years with poor infrastructure.
“I have to say Mr. & Mrs Weymouth want to contribute to the upgrading of the side roads for the residents. The residents were also complaining there is no water in the area. In a previous discussion with GEBE and the Plantz family, it was established to build a water tank in the area.
Residents are looking forward to the resolutions of issues which have been plaguing them for years. Residents have also formed an Association to look out in the best interest of the residents in the area.
“Government would like to sign this agreement with Mr. & Mrs Weymouth before the end of this year. I think we are heading in the right direction, and I would like to thank all land owners so far for making this project a reality,” Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Wednesday.
PHOTO CUTLINE: L to R, Mr. and Mrs. Weymouth, Engineer Ron Daal, Minister Hon. Maurice Lake (5TH from left), R. Groeneveldt (7TH from left), Mr. and Mrs. Singer (backs to the camera), and members of the Ministers Cabinet. DCOMM Photo