Photo: George McGuire (Courtesy of WINNFM)
A former Speaker of the Grenada Parliament, Mr. George McGuire, is of the view that the Motion of No Confidence brought by St. Kitts and Nevis Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Mark Brantley and five other parliamentarians is now sub judice and should not have been taken to the Court.
"I would not have advised for them to take such a matter to court, because Parliament is the supreme body and it must be recognized as such and the court has their role; the matters of Parliament should be settled in Parliament. I have very strong view of that and the moment you take such a matter to the court, it means that you have to respect the voice of the court and its opinion on that matter," said Mr. McGuire in an interview with WINNFM.
"The Members who took the matter to Court played right into the hands of the Prime Minister, because the matter is now sub judice and one has to respect the authorities, which is the separation of powers." Mr. McGuire said.
St. Kitts and Nevis’ Prime Minister the Right Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas has said he will await the court’s decision on the matter.
"I believe that the next step should be for the Members of Parliament to get together and to seek an audience with the Speaker," Grenada’s McGuire recommends.