Lion District Governor for the area 60B, Lion Claudius Buncamper MJF audited the Sint. Maarten Lions Club earlier this week in a meeting at the Oasis Lounge on A.T. Illidge Road. The meeting which is held every year by hosting a visiting District Governor was extra special as the District Governor was from Sint. Maarten and the Sintt. Maarten Lions Club was the home club.
During the meeting, Sint. Maarten Lions Club President Richard Boyd outlined the four sustainable projects that the club does for the year such as the Nelson vd Linde Senior Citizen Party, Lion Rudy Hoeve Health & Wellness Fair, Lions Quest program and the ongoing support of the Sint. Maarten Leo Club. The club president also outlined the many donations that it gives out which could only be done due to the healthy fundraising efforts by members throughout the year. These events are the Christmas Bingo Spectacular and the upcoming Grand Car Raffle which is schedule for June 12th.
Lion District Governor Buncamper said that financial payments of the club to the District and to Lions International were in good order but he wanted the Sint. Maarten Lions Club to work on improving the membership experience as outlined in the five year plan that the district was carrying out of which he was a co-author. "Lionism is about serving the community and the membership has to be personally happy to come to meetings and feel that they are playing a role in the ongoing projects of the individual club" said the District Governor.
The audit meeting was followed by a dinner meeting after which the District Governor’s official song was sung and danced by all members. The next main event for District Governor and the Sint. Maarten Lions Club is the yearly multiple district convention which is scheduled for May at the St. Kitts Marriot Resort and Casino.
In Photo: Lion District Governor Claudius Buncamper MJF (on the left) answers a question from a member while St. Maarten Lions Club President Richard Boyd takes notes.