Prime Minister Wescot-Williams and Dr. Ro Attend Mass Commemorating International Women’s Day


"We are the women of St. Maarten regardless of our ages, regardless of our occupation and indeed we are the Salt of the Earth"

The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams attended a church at the Roman Catholic Church on Friday with leading American Nutritionist and Health Guru Dr. Ro and women from a broad spectrum of the community of St. Maarten in celebrating Women of Faith.

Father Bob, during his sermon, reminded the congregation that it is more often than not that individuals are instructed in their faith through the dedication of their mothers and that in particular it is women who act as the pillars of faith. Father Bob also reminded all worshippers that Mary is a strong example of the role of women in faith.

The Prime Minister during her remarks wished all of the women of St. Maarten a blessed International Women’s Day. "I was telling Dr. Ro as we were coming into the Church this morning that St. Maarten has two traditional names: Oualichi, Land of Strong Women and Soualiga, Land of Salt. Dr. Ro immediately responded by saying the Salt of the Earth. And so this afternoon I am honored to be here at this mass dedicated to the Women of Catholic Faith. We are the women of St. Maarten regardless of our ages, regardless of our occupation and indeed we are the Salt of the Earth. I wanted today to recognize your work and your contribution to this Country I pray that God blesses our island her children so that they can inherit, be proud and continue to build St. Maarten; The Land of Strong Women, the Land of Salt," commented the Prime Minister.

Dr. Ro also took a few moments to make remarks and saying that she was proud to be amongst this beautiful people in this beautiful land. "Let us celebrate this beautiful lives that God has given us and celebrate the love of women through faith," commented the internationally renown nutrition expert.