Prime Minister Opens Capacity Building Training for Legislative and Legal Civil Servants.

"Government Continues to pay extreme attention to its employees"

The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams opened the training course for Government Legal Experts at the University of St. Maarten on Friday. The course, which is geared towards enhancing the capabilities of legal advisors and legal teams within government, forms part of Government’s continues efforts to professionalize and enhance the country’s civil service.

During the opening the Prime Minister stated that it was her pleasure to be at the course which will give the participants the capability to expand their skills with regards to legal matters for Government and for Country St. Maarten. "It is of course no secret that the Government of St. Maarten pays an extreme amount of attention to its employees. This goes for every Ministry and every Department. It should also be no secret to you that where it pertains to legislation there is a lack of human capacity in that regard across all Ministries. Nevertheless, legislation, and everything to do with legislation, are important parts of the overall government administration and so the kick off of this program is extremely pleasing to me from that perspective.

The Prime Minister continued by stating that some weeks ago there was a discussion between politicians regarding the age of country St. Maarten; "Some feel we should not regard ourselves as a new country, however I feel we are a new country but I reached a compromise calling St. Maarten a Country in Development. All of us are finding ourselves in several areas with many topics on our tables that are being discussed with regards of how they should be interpreted, specifically as it relates to law and legislation. I am sure given the pragmatic approach to this program you will get all of those issues to deal with. Nothing comes easy but at the same time what we learn can’t be taken away from us," concluded the Prime Minister.