Ministry of Waterways & Public Works grants Karel’s Pier permit

On February 20th, the Ministry of Waterways & Public Works granted a permit to Jokaya N.V. in the framework of the Law Maritime Management (Wet maritiem beheer Wmb BES). It regards the construction and putting into use of a small northerly pier. The location is better known as Karel’s Pier and lies at the height of J.N.E Craane Street 10-12.

Review criteria

In the Law Maritime Management (Wmb BES) the following regulations are established for activities in or near the sea which can have effect on the security of shipping, the environment, nature of the coast and seas and the maritime archeological heritage at sea. The request for the permit is reviewed on the effects of the construction and the use of it on these aspects. Research proves there are no aspects that will be affected as such that prohibits the granting of the permit. Jokaya N.V. must adhere to the requirements of the permit. The Ministry of Waterways & Public Works will, in consultation with the Jokaya N.V. and the Island Council, supervise the compliance with these requirements.

Other required permits

Besides the permit for the Law on Maritime Management, Jokaya N.V. also needs other permits in order to realize the pier. It regards a local permit based on de Island Ordinance Nature Management and a local building permit. The requests for this are, at the moment, being evaluated by the Island Government. The building request will be tested on the Spatial Development Plan. The Island Council published an amendment of this at the beginning of February.

Further information:

The official notice of the permit is published on February 22nd ,2013 in the Amigoe and Antilliaans Dagblad. The permit is available for perusal at Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland (RCN). For more information such as possibilities to submit an objection, persons are referred to the website of de RCN:

Law Maritime Management (Wmb BES)

With the Law Maritime Management (Wmb BES) taking effect on October 10th , 2010 the Ministry of Waterways & Public Works became responsible for the management of the maritime waters in the Caribbean Netherlands. The maritime law results in among other regulations being set for land reclamation and construction at sea.