Minister Jacobs meets with NiME Institute for Masters in Education

Thursday afternoon the Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Hon. Silveria Jacobs met with Leo Deurloo, Director of the NiME -Nederlands Instituut voor Master in Educatie

Deurloo gave a presentation on:

·         Creation of teacher leaders; making a career in front of the class.
·         Keeping good teachers in the class by giving them possibilities to professionalize
·         Role model function; if good teachers professionalize themselves through retraining,   this would then automatically motivate weaker teachers to actively partake in retraining activities.

The NiME offers a series of 2 years Masters Programs and have conducted retraining programs in Aruba.

On Friday morning, round off meetings will be held with the cabinet of the Minister Plenipotentiary. In the afternoon the Minister will be meeting with S4 management and the Head Mentor to get further updates on the progress of the student’s orientation and registration. The meeting will be followed by a meet and greet session.
On Saturday evening Minister Jacobs will be attending a Barbeque for the students in The Hague which will be hosted at the home of their mentor.  The minister will return to St. Maarten on Sunday August 5th 2012.