Kenneth Lopes appointed Acting Island Governor of Statia

Mr. Kenneth Lopes was appointed Acting Island Governor of Statia by Representative of the Dutch Central Government, Wilbert Stolte, on April 17th 2012.

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The ceremony took place at Vincent Astor Lopes Legislative Hall. Mr. Kenneth Lopes was born on Aruba in 1946 and is of Statian origin. He is the son of former politician Vincent Astor Lopes. Most of his brothers and sisters still live on Statia. He is a widower and has three sons.

Mr. Lopes has a background in local and national legislation. At the start of his career he worked as an advisor for the executive council of St. Eustatius. As from 1973 till 1983 included he worked at the Ministry of Justice of the formal Dutch Antilles as chief of Police business. For 23 years he worked as head of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Windward Islands). In 2011 he retired and since that time he lives on St Eustatius.

The procedure:

The main rule is that when the island governor is not present, for example when he is off the island, his duty as chairman of the executive council will be executed by the island governor. In the island council his role as chairman of the council is carried out by the member with the most years in the island council. This rule is based on article 90 of the WolBES.


Article 91 of the WolBES states that the Representative of the Dutch Central Government can appoint someone as acting governor. (die wordt belast met de waarneming van de gezaghebber)

Taking the scale of the island into consideration, on request of the island government itself, an acting governor was appointed. Before the Representative of the Dutch Central Government appoints someone, he consultates the island council.

The appointment in this position is for the period of one year.