First edition of the “Integrity @ Work” Newsletter Released

The 1st edition of the "Integrity @ Work" newsletter was released this month, with one of it’s first interviewees being Prime Minister Sarah casino

Notice From The Lab Sports Academy

The Lab Sports Academy would like to inform the general public and all its members of the Following.   online casino

The St. Maarten Little League Association has resumed the games to finalize the 2011 competition

The playoffs started on Wednesday August 31st and the best of 3 games will be played.   online casino

Results of the 1st Caribbean Bank Youth Tennis Tournament 2011

The event was a success, we had 28 participants. Thanks to the First Caribbean bank who made it possible for especially the grass rout children to get a chance to…

Ad Hoc Committee Rules of Order continues on Thursday

The Ad Hoc Committee of the Rules of Order of Parliament met on Wednesday and the meeting is set to continue on Thursday, September 1. The Ad Hoc Committee Rules…

Rotterdam’s Prosecutor’s Office continues Dorpsweg suspect murder for murder in St. Maarten

The 34 year old suspect (H.N.) mentioned in the Dutch press release, who was arrested in Rotterdam as a suspect of a fatal shooting and who will be prosecuted in…

House searches and arrest in human trafficking (vrouwenhandel) case

Early Wednesday morning the judge of instruction together with the prosecutor and some 30 police officers conducted a search in the premises of the so called "Border Bar" on the…

PRIDE gives presentation to Chamber of Commerce on ICC

President of the Sint Maarten PRIDE foundation Jadira Veen gave a presentation to the Chamber of Commerce on the importance of the upcoming International Coastal Cleanup.   online casino

WICSU/PSU To Represent Philipsburg Jubilee Library

On August 31st 2011, it was a historical day for the Philipsburg Jubilee Library workers. There are 10 permanent workers and all 10 voted for WICSU/PSU to represent them.  …