76ers Summer Youth Basketball camp

The NBA 76ers Summer Youth Basketball Camp that was held in philadelphia was a good experience for the 23 sxm Youth basketball players , 2 coaches and 2 chaporones..


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The camp started on 16th July with a familiarization and orientation of the camp rules by the camp director Mr. Tod Laundrey.. The players learned the fundamentals of basketball such as ball handling skills, dribbling skills, jumping skills, shooting skills, passing skills, running skills etc etc….the coaches and trainers at the camp evaluated the players on a daily basis, each received a personal booklet which had to be updated on a daily basis with the info from that day, at the end of the camp all the scores were added up to make and formulate a final score…each camper will be evaluated in the coming days among the coaches, trainers, counselors and camp staff and a evaluation report on each player will be emailed to the SXM Youth Beat Foundation on what the next step or possibilities are for each player … Over the 6 days of intense training and games on the 7 available basketball courts at the Valley Forge Millitary Academy and College we the camp was held, we saw the SXM basketball players litteraly transformed while improving in their knowledge of the sport of basketball…Presently the SXM Youth Beat Foundation is negotiating and reviewing a proposal of the Directorate of the 76ers camp on the possibilities of hosting such a camp here on St.Maarten during the 1st week of August 2012… The trip was a tremendous success and we look forward to hosting the 76ers camp here in sxm in the summer of 2012… On behalf of the players, coaches, chaporones, parents and family we would like to extend a big thank you to all the persons and bussiness who made the participation at the 76ers camp possible