On Tuesday, May 18, 2010 Commissioner William Marlin and his advisors met with the Department of Education representatives, the quartermaster for education and Ms. M. Aarts, the legal representative/policy worker who is drafting the laws and constructing the legal framework for the educational laws for Country St. Maarten.
Commissioner Marlin discussed several issues with the team of advisors and he provided his input regarding the different matters and discussed several scenarios to ensure clarity on the discussion points.
After this meeting, the draft laws will be sent to stakeholders for their input, changes will be made, and the document will be finalized. The laws will be sent to the Executive Council and later to the Island Council for ratification.
Issues that were discussed were: Compulsory education, Private schools, Foundation Based Education, Compliance regulations, among other topics.
Present at the meeting was: Claudette Forsythe-Labega, Interim Sector Director of Education, Quincy Harrigan, Head of Department of Education, Angela Dekker, Quartermaster for Education and members of the Commissioner’s office, Rose Hughes-Coram and Patricia Philips