The coordinator of the St. Eustatius Festivities Committee, Carla Duinkerk almost finished the programming for the activities before and at Statia America Day.
The re-enactment of the 1776 Salute, that marks the first recognition of the independence of the United States of America, will start November 16, with a ceremony at 6 am at Historic Fort Oranje. Leading up to Statia America Day, the Committee will be hosting a pre-week of activities starting November 9.
Monday Nov. 9: Gospel Nite, organized by Marcella Gibbs and the Culture Department.
Tuesday Nov. 10: Culturama Nite, which will feature the various nationalities that live on Statia. They will perform and present typical cultural events of their country or island of origine.
Wednesday Nov. 11: Youth Nite, hosted by Mega D Youth Foundation.
Thursday Nov. 12: String Band Nite with Statia’s Killy Killy Band, Saba’s Occasionals and French St.Maartens’ Jolly Boys, and the famous "Nigga Biznizz". This night with "ole time music" is the night out for Statia’s senior citizens.
Friday Nov 13: Fun Filled Nite with the Back by Popular Demand Band and a variety of other performances.
Saturday Nov 14: International Nite with the Andrew Dick show and Isheba design from St.Maarten, Odisi from Nevis and Oddyssee from St.Maarten.
Sunday Nov 15: Golden Rock Regatta Nite, with Statia’s Minus 2 band, the Buccaneers band from Austria and Panta Vibes from Anguilla. The winners of the Golden Rock Regatta Sailing Race have their prize giving ceremony at the Fort on Nov. 16.
Monday Nov 16: Last Lap Nite, with Statia’s Rebels Band, the Caribbean Boys Band from Holland and Onyon from Antigua.