(AUDIO AVAILABLE)Thursday’s Island Council Meeting was a continuation of the previous Meeting that was held on August 13th 2009.
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The speakers for this Island Council Meeting were Mr.William Marlin, Mrs.Sarah Wecot-Williams, Mr.Roy Marlin, Mr.Petrus DeWeever, Mr.Rudolph Samuel & Mr.Theodore Heyliger.
The 1st speaker, Mr.William Marlin spoke on the agenda point of Coorprate Governance & he asked for the approval of the Island Council.
The 2nd speaker Mrs.Sarah Wescot-Williams gave her presentation on Sint Maarten Telephone Holding Company NV, Sint Maarten laboratory Services NV & Foundation "Kadaster en Hypotheekwezen" (cadastre and mortgages). She stated during her presentation that the questioned posed not answered.
The 3rd speaker Mr.Roy Marlin, addressed the requests of changing the Ordinance of Coorprate Governance. He also posed a question as to ”why specific companies are for self & not others?”
Mr.Petrus DeWeever was the 4th speaker who asked his questions.
Mrs.Maria Buncamper spoke next, followed by Mr.Rudolph Samuel, who both posed their questions to the Island Council & the Chairman. After they spoke the Governor answered some of the questions posed by the Commissioners & Council Men/Women. Then the meeting was adjourned. But Council Lady Sarah Wescot-Williams was not in agreement with so many adjournments during the meeting, so she and the DP Party walked out and were not present during the 2nd half of the Island Council Meeting.
Once the 2nd half of the Island Council Meeting begun, the 1st speaker to approach the Island Council & the Chairman was Mr.Theodore Heyliger. He answered Mrs.Sarah Wescot-Williams’ point of ”Slack”.
The 2nd speaker was then Mr.William Marlin, who arrived late & realized the DP Party was not present. Mr.Rudolph Samuel spoke once again during the 2nd round of the Island Council Meeting.
The Chairman Mr.F.Richards then answered questions posed during the 2nd round of the Island Council Meeting and made comments of how it went. And the meeting was then closed off.