Health Care workers on Saba on Friday morning got the opportunity to vote for the union of their choice at the A.M. Edward’s Medical Center and at the Hon.…
Day: August 21, 2009
SEI Projects to be handled progressively in Saba
After many years of hardship without funding for major projects, the Island Government of Saba now has ample funding for projects in the areas of: tourism development, infrastructure, education,…
Early Morning Accident on the Great Bay Bridge
An early morning accident occured on Friday August 21st 2009 at approximately 4:19 am, on the Great Bay Bridge, damaging the light on the sidewalk. online casino
Presentation by Island council member Sarah Wescot-Williams, August 20, 2009
Agenda point # 4. Corporate Governance The request of government entails the "ratification of the resolution to amend the statutes of : online casino
Island Council Meeting on August 20th 2009
(AUDIO AVAILABLE)Thursday’s Island Council Meeting was a continuation of the previous Meeting that was held on August 13th 2009. online casino
Illegal and un-coordinated use of wireless systems
(AUDIO AVAILABLE)A Press Conference was held by the Director of Bureau Telecommunicatie en Post, Mr. Joao de Canha on the Illegal and un-coordinated use of wireless systems in the 2.4…
DP Party Meeting on August 21st 2009
(AUDIO AVAILABLE)The Democratic Party held a press conference on August 21st 2009 at the Parliment Building. online casino
Commissioner William Marlin gives his opinion on the behaviour of the DP Party’s walk out
(AUDIO AVAILABLE)After being late to the second part of the Island Council Meeting on August 20th 2009 & the walk out of the DP Party members, Commissioner William…
DP Party walks out during the Island Council Meeting on August 20th 2009
(AUDIO AVAILABLE)During Thursday’s continuation of the Island Council’s Meeting, the DP Party walked out due to the fact of the numerous adjournments during the Island Council Meeting. online…
Press Release from National Alliance councilman George Pantophlet:
Good governance National Alliance councilman George Pantophlet: The minority government of the Democratic Party is exemplary in their commitment to frustrate the process of constitutional change and prevent the…