Island Council Meeting on July 23rd 2009

(AUDIO AVAILABLE)During the Island Council Meeting on Thursday the following topics were discussed:

Examining the credential presentation and incoming member of the island board Mr.George Pantophlet, New Administration office approving contracts for various contractors and consultants, Professional Scarlet n.v.


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During this Island Council Meeting, Councilman George Pantophlet was sworn in as an Island Council member. Previously he was a Parliment Member. The Executive Council asked the Island Council for the approval to sign the contract in order to have work done on the new Administration Building. Shortly after the Executive Island Council voted for such.

Mr.William Marlin then took the floor with the issue of Scarlet N.V. and granting them a license for Telecommunications. Leader of the D.P. Mrs. Sarah Wescot-Williams, also spoke on the issue of Scarlet N.V. & the FLS10,000 laid down by the courts. She asked the Government to make a decision on that issue. She gave her opinion by saying that granting Scarlet N.V. the license would not be in the interest of St.Maarten.

Mrs.Maria Buncamper-Molanus also touched on the issue of the license for Scarlet N.V. & the verdict of the court for the FLS10,000 & mentioned that once it is granted about 800 jobs would be affected by it.

The 4th speaker was Commissioner Roy Marlin. He also gave his input on the issue of Scarlet & made a point by mentioning the amount of other companies presently on St.Maarten that can do the job, instead of bringing in big international giants to infultrate the St.Maarten Market.

The meeting was then adjourned for 30 minutes, but when they returned it was postponed until July 24th 2009.

Mr.George Pantophlet is being sworn in to the Island Council during the Island Council Meeting