Commissioner Hyacinth L. Richardson Signs USONA Agreement to Finance I Can Foundation, Crystal Home


On Thursday 23 July, 2009 Mr. Hyacinth Richardson Commissioner of Social & Youth Affairs in the presence of representatives of the Crystal Children’s Home Foundation and USONA signed an agreement, which would provide funding for several non-profit organizations, namely: UJIMA, Crystal Children’s Home and I Can Foundation.


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The commissioner stated that this project is important as all funding is meant to aid in the further development of the foundations involved. The Commissioner also thanked USONA on behalf of government.

The project entitled ‘Opvang OTS Jongeren’ has been developed by the department of Directorate Programs & Projects.

This project has been endorsed by Commissioner Hyacinth L. Richardson. Serving the community, especially the youth, has always been one of the commissioner’s foremost objectives as an island council member; and now as an Executive Council member the opportunity has arisen to achieve so much more. Mr. Bart Pasman informed everyone present that the project is part of the Harbor Buy Back Funds.

The development objective of the ‘Opvang OTS Jongeren’ project is to improve the quality of the living environment and social care of young persons living under supervision on St. Maarten.

While this may be the overall objective for the Island Territory of St. Maarten, the project also encompasses one important objective for the foundations, which is to improve the quality of the placement capacity for the young persons residing on the island who need this special assistance.

All parties working together are hoping to achieve an improved living environment for 20 children in the age range of 0 to 12 living at the I Can Foundation and 20 young persons (13 to 18 years old) living at the Multi Purpose Foundation (Crystal Children’s Home).

These young persons for varying reasons such as abuse at home and the loss of parents have been taken out of their homes and placed temporarily in these facilities until officials are able to place these youngsters in permanent homes.

The project amount totals Naf. 2.979.685, which will go towards the three foundations. The money will be spent on the construction of a building in Cole Bay for the Crystal Children’s Home; the upgrading of personnel at these organizations; improving the living conditions and furnishings; and establishing guidelines for minimum standards for the Crystal Children’s home.

All persons along with Commissioner Richardson will continue to work towards the further development of Youth and Social Affairs on the island.