Commissioner Marlin presents two checks to FCCA poster finalist


On Wednesday, May 18, 2009, in the Claude Wathey Legislative Hall, Commissioner Roy Marlin presented two students with checks of $200 each for placing in the finals in the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) Environment Poster competition.

Participating students were asked to depict at least three (3) ways in which his or her destination makes a difference in preserving the environment.  

St. Maarten was not among the top three winners this year. However, on behalf of the St. Maarten Tourist Bureau and the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) we would like to extend our sincere thanks to the M.A.C .Rev. John A. Gumbs Campus for providing the two finalists, Commissioner Marlin said. We would further like to award each of the finalists with a check in the amount of $200.00 for their efforts. 


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The FCCA Poster Finalists were:

Name of student: Bernica Michel 

Junior Category

Poster Title: "A clean St. Maarten" 

Summary description: 

"My drawing is about trees recycling and using bicycles. By using bicycles instead of cars we can help to prevent global warming. By recycling, it helps to clean the island. By planting more trees, it will give us oxygen and make the island of St. Maarten look beautiful." 

Name of student: Jhurenskey Martie 

Senior Category

Poster Title: "Help Clean Up St. Maarten" 

Summary Description:  

"This poster emphasizes the importance of a clean St. Maarten/St.Martin environment. By protecting our environment, we can help ensure that St. Maarten will always be a place that can be enjoyed by residents, visitors and future generations. Let us all play our part by not littering, cleaning up St. Martin and planting more trees". 

This year, 17 destinations throughout the Caribbean and Latin America participated in the competition, which seeks to promote and stimulate environmental awareness among students and effectively educate younger generations on the importance of environmental protection. 

The St. Maarten Tourist Bureau has been participating in this event for over 10 years.

The Florida – Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA), is a not-for-profit trade organization composed of 10 member cruise lines operating more than 100 vessels in Floridian, Caribbean and Latin American waters. 

Created in 1972, the FCCA’s mandate is to provide a forum for discussion on legislation, tourism development, ports, tour operations, safety, security and other cruise industry issues.