Development of Quality Card (P)SVE, Self evaluation instrument for Schools, on track!


On Monday 30th March 2009, the first sounding board meeting for the development of the Quality Card (P)SVE took place. The sounding board group should consist of school boards& management, the task manager & assistant task manager, the service centre and inspection of Prepatory& Secondary Vocational Education. All stakeholders were invited to discuss the concept version of the instrument in this meeting, right before it will be tried-out as pilot in the (P)SVE schools/institutes at St. Maarten.

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Based on the success of the Quality Card Foundation Based Education (BPO, 2007), DERPI agreed with school boards on the development of a Quality Card for Prepatory& Secondary Vocational Education in the period February-June 2009. DERPI assigned the developer of the Quality Card FBE, Floor van der Zwan (MSc, PhD Candidate), to carry out this task. Now working as Vanderzwan Educational Research& Development she was formerly employed by Bureau Process Management of the Ministry of Education of the Netherlands Antilles.

The Quality Card (P)SVE is a self-evaluation instrument on the level of the teacher, team and management. It is based on research in (P)SVE, like literature review, data collection as lesson observations, interviews with observed teachers, coordinators, head of departments, directors, a focus group with or questionnaire for teachers of non-visited schools, and sounding board meetings with stakeholders.

The next steps in the development and implementation is adaption of the instrument based on the results of the sounding board meeting, a pilot in 5 of the 6 (P)SVE schools guided by the schools’ own (Innovation) coaches who will receive extensive training, and a second sounding board meeting 2nd of June. The final version is scheduled to be presented on June 10, 2009.

This initiative is funded by USONA.