Saba proactive in Harbor landslide issue

Early this morning Commissioner Bruce Zagers convened an urgent meeting with the Harbor authorities, planning bureau, public works, Big Rock engineering, and HESCON to discuss the latest developments concerning the landside on Sunday. Several ideas were discussed and the Government is looking for a short-term solution that will ensure public safety. However, it was acknowledged that there is no real short-term solution. A permanent solution will have to be devised to limit the erosion. Over the years the hillside has deteriorated and because of this landslides are becoming more frequent and more dangerous for people and structures in the Harbor.


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Government has placed additional security at the Harbor to control the traffic. It is understood by the Government that this is the only entrance to the commercial part of the harbor as well as the landfill. However, to ensure public safety these additional controls are mandatory to be put in place. The Island Government looks forward to the communities’ cooperation with this until the problem is solved.

The area where the landslide came down is also the location where the community uses as a recreational swimming area. There are very limited areas in Saba to make use of the ocean, however unfortunate; this will no longer be possible at the Harbor for the time being. As of today, a letter is being sent out to the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Antilles. This will also be forwarded to all other relevant authorities within the Antilles and Holland which explains the problem and seeks assistance with the disaster area. Currently an engineer from USONA is coming on Wednesday to assess what can be done for short and long term plans.

Commissioner of Harbor Affairs, Bruce Zagers, stated that "it was very unfortunate that one lady was injured. On behalf of the Government, we wish her a very speedy recovery and our prayers are with her and her family".