On Monday November 25th at approximately 02.30 p.m. while a member of the 0-tolerance team was busy in the Philipsburg area carrying out controls, he saw a vehicle with license-plate M-6709 driving on the Backstreet. The officer noticed two occupants in the car and that the driver of this vehicle was not wearing his seat belt. He indicated the driver to stop the vehicle in order to attend this matter and to also see if everything else pertaining that vehicle was in order. The officer spoke to the driver with regards to this traffic violation, however was surprised by the driver, who answered the officer using obscene language towards him. The officer continued carrying out his control, during which time the driver could not produce his driver’s license. Both driver and passenger were told by the officer to exit the vehicle, which they immediately did. The driver was then told that the vehicle would be towed and impounded until he could show his drivers license. The towing truck in the meantime had arrived on the scene to tow away the vehicle in question, but the passenger of this vehicle in question with initials R.V.P. did not agree with the situation and started to rebel against the officer carrying out his duty. He jumped on the towing truck obstructing operator from towing the car. The officer decided to arrest passenger for obstruction when the driver with initials C.S. got involved in the situation and started wrestling with the officer. The situation got out of hand and the officer called for back-up. The driver at the same time picked-up two large stones and threatened the officer that he would use them if he arrested the passenger and towed his car. The driver was order to throw the stones down, but refused to do so. He approached the officer in a threatening manner, with both stones in his hand. The officer was forced to pull his service fire-arm in order to protect himself. He then ordered the driver to drop the stones, which he refused to do. Both suspects took off running through the streets, when the heard the sirens of the other approaching officers. No shots were fired and no- one was hurt. Both suspects shortly after turned themselves in at the police station. The car was later searched and an amount of marihuana was found and confiscated. They were both arrested and held for questioning. The detective dept. is investigating this matter.