BOPP student interns host DCOMM TV Special “Inside Government”

At the Department of Communication, Business Outreach and Placement Program (BOPP) student interns Julianne Robert(16) and Omari Philips(18) took part in hosting a TV Program that will play on Cable TV for the next 3 weeks.


Julianne, of the Charlotte Brookson Academy, and Omari, of the St. Maarten Academy—PSVE division, were trained in several areas at the DCOMM, from administrative tasks to video production to media communication.


The student interns worked along with DCOMM staff members to contribute their part of a information program, called “Inside Government.”


The two students interviewed the Prime Minister William Marlin, Minister Silveria Jacobs, the BOPP coordinator Faye Arnell, and a couple of BOPP students interns.


Julianne and Omari said that interning at DCOMM was a learning experience and productive. “I enjoyed working at DCOMM. I learned a lot, and it was a lot of fun,” Omari said. Julianne echoed those same sentiments in her period spent at DCOMM, working in office management, TV production, and media arts.


The BOPP students’ interviews can be seen on DCOMM TV Program, “Inside Government,” on St. Maarten Cable TV, Channel 115 at 7pm. The first program airs on August 11, and  it will highlight the BOPP program. There will be other programs hosted by these student interns on August 18th and August 25th.


Julianne and Omari are part of the 50 plus students who took part in the BOPP program, which is coordinated by the Department Social Cultural (SC) Development and are dedicated to placing exam and pre-exam students of the secondary schools as well as students of the tertiary educational level in a four weeks summer job during the months of July and August.


The SC Department said that the BOPP enables highly-motivated students to gain invaluable work experience in government departments or local businesses during the summer vacation.