Travel expenses of Government and Parliament require accountability and transparency

The General Audit Chamber has just presented its report titled “Auditing public travel and Parlatino membership” to Parliament. This audit evaluates the efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance of travel-related activities to ensure that public funds are used in a responsible and transparent manner. Although travel can be a necessary component of government functioning, it is equally important for Members of Parliament (MPs), Ministers, and the civil service to adhere to established rules and regulations
governing travel expenses. They can demonstrate responsible use of public funds and
ensure transparency and fairness.
The regulations governing travel for MPs and Ministers allow them to travel in first or
business class. Additionally, they are entitled to receive a per diem of ANG 720 per day.
However, they are not required to provide accountability for how the per diem is used.
Additionally, there is no requirement that any unused per diem funds be reimbursed. This
lack of tracking and reporting obligations creates a gap in accountability, which could
potentially lead to inappropriate spending.
The General Audit Chamber identified the highest travel expenses incurred by ministers and
civil servants in a single business trip during 2022. Highlighting shortcomings in following
regulations and policies, the Audit Chamber recommends improvements to address these
issues. This is to ensure the efficient and effective use of public funds allocated for travel.
On Parliament’s request, the Audit Chamber audited membership in Parlatino to evaluate its
effectiveness. Parlatino is an intergovernmental organization, comprising of national
parliaments of Latin American and Caribbean nations. Since joining in 2010, Parliament
spent about ANG 2 million on travel expenses and membership fees.
The Audit Chamber has determined that membership in Parlatino presents both advantages
and challenges compared to a regional approach. With this report, it aims to provide
Parliament the necessary insights to make a well-informed decision on the future direction.
The report recommends strategies to enhance transparency and accountability in public
officials’ travel due to the country’s precarious financial situation.
The report is published in English and Dutch and is available on the General Audit Chamber
website ( and via links on the General Audit Chamber’s social media
platforms, Facebook and LinkedIn.