Constructive dialogue between SER and Curaçao Prime Minister lays foundation for ambitious Air Quality Bill

On Friday, August 25, 2023, at the initiative of the Social and Economic Council (SER) of Curaçao, an exchange of views took place with Prime Minister Gilmar Pisas. The discussion focused on capacity as minister without
portfolio in charge of agriculture, environment and nature, was assisted by experts from the Ministries of
Health, Environment and Nature (GMN) and General Affairs (AZ).
During this discussion, experts from both ministries provided detailed insights to the SER members on the
draft bill before them. This informative presentation led to clarification on key points of the draft land
regulation, which now enables the SER to issue a thorough and well-considered opinion.
Both sides expressed satisfaction with the constructive nature of the dialogue after the meeting. A roadmap
was jointly established for the further development and consideration of this legislative initiative.
Afterwards, Prime Minister Pisas emphasized the significance of this meeting as a crucial step forward in
realizing the legal and social responsibilities that the government bears. This implies the active pursuit of a
livable Curaçao, where the environment, nature and public health are adequately protected, in accordance with
the State regulation and other applicable laws and regulations.