Fire department implements COVID-19 response measures

The Collection Prevention Services (CPS) has identified one fire fighter who tested positive for COVID-19, Fire Chief Clive Richardson said on Friday.

The officer is currently at home under quarantine and contact tracing is being carried out by the staff of CPS. Additional measures at the Fire Department will be taken if necessary.

The Fire Department has implemented its COVID-19 continuity plan as the department’s response to the COVID-19 situation and to protect the health of department personnel, fire emergency first responders and department visitors.

The department will keep under review its procedures and inform the public accordingly if any changes.

Pertaining to the Fire Departments emergency response team, this will continue as usual with two minor adjustments.

Calls will be prioritized and the number of vehicles that will be available to respond right away.

The Fire Department hereby announces that the office in Cay Hill at the Fire/Ambulance Department Building is open between 9.00 AM -11.00AM for the collection of hurricane passes and disaster passes.

The applicant can pick up the pass once they have been contacted by a representative of the Fire Department that its ready for pick-up.

When collecting the pass, one should have on a face mask and should sanitize their hands before coming upstairs to the reception desk.

All visitors to the office must use the hand sanitizer machine that is mounted on the wall as soon as you enter the building.

Visitations to the Fire Department is only by appointment.

Appointments can be scheduled by calling 543-1318 or 543-1316. Persons will be forwarded to the necessary section or person to schedule an appointment.