United States Consulate General Staff and MLB Players Host Lunch for Youth of Kinderoorden Brakkeput

On Thursday, the U.S. Consulate General Curaçao Community and Curacao’s professional Major League Baseball Players hosted a lunch and donated gifts to youth from Foundation Kinderoorden Brakkeput. Kinderoorden Brakkeput is a center that houses 33 boys between 9 and 17 years of age.

The baseball players handed one signed baseball to each boy and management of the foundation received equipment for their sports accommodation. With the help of private donations and other sponsors such as De Jongh’s Sporthuis, Mensing’s Caminada, and Boolchands. Management of Serena’s Art Factory will give the boys the opportunity to paint a Chichi XL for display at their center.

U.S. Consul General Margaret D. Hawthorne said this event is another example of the strong partnership with local community-based organizations. Furthermore, it strengthens the relationship between the United States and Curaçao and highlights the shared baseball culture between the two nations.