Tourist Bureau calls on Graphic Artists and Designers to Participate in CTO Logo Design Competition

The St. Maarten Tourist Bureau (STB) is calling on local Graphic Artists and Designers to participate in the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) Sustainable Tourism Awards Logo Design Competition.


CTO created the Caribbean Sustainable Tourism Awards aimed at identifying and showcasing Sustainable Tourism Good Practices in the Caribbean.


Designers and graphic artists aged 18 and over can make their mark on the Caribbean Sustainable Tourism Awards. This is your chance to design the Awards Logo in support of the Caribbean Tourism Organization’s (CTO) Work Programme, and is an opportunity to win bragging rights in an initiative that celebrates sustainability champions in tourism – the most important industry in our region.


The Awards recognize individuals, groups, organizations or companies in any CTO Member Country which have developed responsible and unique tourism products, or are engaged in implementing tourism-related initiatives which embrace sustainability principles and core values.


Without question, recognized initiatives also help to enhance national tourism product offerings and advance sustainable and responsible tourism in the Caribbean, CTO points out.


There are currently seven (7) Sustainable Tourism Award Categories namely: Excellence in Sustainable Tourism; Destination Stewardship; Sustainable Accommodation; Community Benefit; Heritage Protection; Biodiversity Conservation; and Agro-Tourism.


This Logo Design Competition is open to nationals of CTO member countries, aged 18 years or older. Submissions are due by 5PM (AST) on Friday 30th June 2017, and a final selection will be announced by Monday 17th July 2017.


For competition guidelines, technical requirements, submission guidelines etc., go to the following link on the CTO website (