Public Notice Load Shedding

NV GEBE hereby informs the general public that load shedding will take place for today September 14, 2016.


No schedule has been set however the areas that will be affected are:

  1. Belvedere, Dutch Quarter, Bishop Hill, Oyster Pond, Dawn Beach and surrounding areas
  2. Point Blanche, Back Bay, parts of Hope Estate and surrounding areas
  3. Airport Road and parts of Welfare Road and surrounding areas
  4. Cole Bay
  5. Parts of Pelican, Cay Bay
  6. Madame Estate, Arch Road, parts of Sucker Garden
  7. Saunders, Cay Hill, parts of LB Scott Road, parts of Bush Road


Areas will be affected for 1 hour and a half and depending on load has a possibility of being affected twice in the mentioned areas. Updates will be made via the NV GEBE Facebook page.


We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.