The Philipsburg Jubilee Library along with Foundation Educonsult represented by Dr. Maria van Enckevort will be presenting their very own book “S’Maatin Then and Now! A historic and photographic excursion” on September 1st 2016 at the library; from 6pm to 8 pm.
“S’ Maatin Then and Now!” is a compilation of historical and recent pictures of our beautiful island brought together by Foundation Educonsult in close cooperation with the Philipsburg Jubilee Library. The historical pictures in the book are part of a collection of the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) in Amsterdam. The Philipsburg Jubilee Library acquired copies of these pictures some years ago. The modern pictures were made by well known photographer Robert Cijntje.
Educonsult and the Library believe that through this book, our youth will be encouraged to better understand the culture and the heritage of our island. Senior St. Martiners will recognize images from their youth. The high quality historical pictures will now be accessible to a wider public. S’Maatin Then and Now! Is will inspire all who love S’Maatin to protect and preserve this beautiful island for generations to come.
The book launching ceremony and book signing will take place on September 1st, 2016, at the library and will start at 6 pm sharp. Admission is free and drinks and snacks will be available.