Mark your calendar for the May 11 Breastfeeding Cafe

In order to promote breastfeeding by sharing information surrounding breastfeeding and other challenges for soon to-be and already breastfeeding mothers, the Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a department of the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour, is organizing a 3rd Breastfeeding Café.


Everything is set for Wednesday, May 11.  The Café will take place at the Baby Wellness Clinic (behind the Guardian Group Insurance Building or Opposite the Yogesh Building).  Registration starts at 5.45pm and the information session is from 6.00pm to 8.00pm.


Breastfeeding has so many benefits for a baby and their mother such as perfectly composed nutrients, special bonding moments, the best weight loss plan, and helps financially. It is the best milk possible for your baby. 


For more information about the Breastfeeding Café information session, you can call CPS Section Youth Healthcare at 542-3003 or 542-2078 or the Baby Clinic 543-0295.