Permanent Committee of Kingdom Affairs and Inter-Parliamentary Relations scheduled to meet Wednesday on eight-point agenda

The Permanent Committee of Kingdom Affairs and Inter-Parliamentary Relations (CKAIR), will meet on February 24th.


The CKAIR Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday at 11.00am in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

The eight-point agenda is as follows: approval decision lists CKAIR Parliamentary Year 2015-2016, no. 5, 6 and 7; incoming documents; draft proposal Kingdom Law on Dutch Citizenship in connection with retracting the aforementioned based on national security; draft proposal Kingdom Law on changes to the Passport Law related to travel bans; draft proposal Kingdom Law related to tax compliance and the FATCA (Trb. 2015, 171 and 182); draft proposal Kingdom Law related to tax compliance and the FATCA (Trb. 2015, 11 and 144); requests if parliament will send special delegates to the Second Chamber of Parliament for the handling of two Kingdom Laws; and preparations for the next Inter-Parliamentary Kingdom Consultation (IPKO) 2016 from May 31-June 3.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend parliamentary deliberations.


The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.


The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet and via